Monday, August 31, 2009


Replacing DMT ED with an AD based DMT, then ADWS might be of interest.

An ADWS overview and supported web service protocols

ADWS is a native option in Windows 2008 R2, it is also available as a download to allow the same usablility on older OSes like Windows 2008 SP1 and Windows 2003 SP2.

Here's the AD Powershell blog...lotsa of great info here on managing AD from Powershell. BTW- The AD Powershell module connects to ADWS, so ADWS needs to be up and running to take advantage of the nifty features.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Microsoft Cluster Service Command Line Tools – Cluster

The ‘cluster’ command can be used to either create a new cluster, or administer an existing cluster from a command line.
The basic syntax for the cluster command is:
cluster [[/cluster:]ClusterName] /Option
If creating a new cluster, these additional parameters should be added as Options:
ClusterName /create /ipaddrr:Static_IP_Address [,SubnetMask,NetworkConnectionName] /pass:Password /user:{Domain\UserName} [/node:NodeName] [/verb] [/unattend] [/min]
You can also add one or more nodes to an existing cluster:
ClusterName /add[nodes][:NodeName1[NodeName2, ....]] [/pass:Password] [/verb] [/unattend] [/min]
Note: the parameters /verb, /unattend, and /min stand for ‘verbose’, ‘undattended’, and ‘minimum respectively, and all three are optional:
Verbose – Writes all event messages to the cluster log.
Unattended – You will not be prompted for passwords not supplied at the command prompt.
Minimum – Creates a cluster using the Advanced (minimum) Configuration option. This option is used when creating clusters with complex storage configurations.
Rename a cluster: /ren:ClusterName
Display the Cluster Service version number: /ver
Change the Cluster Service account password on the domain controller and all nodes in the cluster:
/cluster:ClusterName/changepass:NewPassword[,OldPassword] [/skipdc] [/force] [/test] [/quiet] [/verb] [/unattend] [/help]
The optional parameters at the end of the above command line are as follows:
/skipdc – Changes the Cluster Service account password on only the cluster nodes, and not the DC.
/force – Forces the password change on all cluster nodes, even if some of the nodes are down or in an unknown state.
/test – This will open a connection to the cluster and verify that the password change was successful.
/quiet – No output will be displayed after the command is run.
/verb – Shows detailed information about the processes the command is running.
/help – Displays help information for the ‘cluster / changepass’ command only.
List the priority of all internal networks: /listnetpri
Set the priority order of internal networks: /setnetpri:NetworkName
Change the name, location, or size of the quorum or the quorum log:
/quorum[resource][:ResourceName] [/path:Drive:\Path\] [maxlogsize:MaximumSize_in_Kilobytes]
Register a Cluster Administrator extension DLL within the cluster:/reg[admin]ext:AdminExtension_DLL
Unregister a Cluster Administrator extension DLL within the cluster: /unreg[admin]ext:AdminExtension_DLL
Shows a list of all clusters in a specified domain: /list:[DomainName]
View a cluster’s properties: /prop [PropertyList]
View a cluster’s private properties: /priv [PropertyList]